Well, after finding a place to live we decided we needed to find a new school for Costa because the distance between the school and the house would be too much driving for me, especially when the baby gets here. It was a difficult decision and I was feeling extremely sad over it, but I knew it was the right one. Again, all the emotion of so much change! The pregnancy hormones were not helping in this situation! I felt so bad because I took him out of school before I even had another one for him.
So I searched and searched online, trying to find a good, cheap pre-
school close to our new house. It was so stressful. Most of the public schools that have pre-schools were all full. I felt like I was going backwards with him......I mean, he was in an all-spanish pre-school last year, 5 days a week. Now what? How will I ever find something comparable to that? I really needed to come to the realization that I just wasn't. You just want what's best for your kids and I felt like I was at a stand still with this.....so hard. Erik suggested Tumbleweed, our gym. I looked into it and they actually still had some spots open! Not at Tumbleweed, but even closer to our house, Snedigar Rec Center. Only bummer was they didn't start for another 3 weeks! What was I going to do with this kid for another 3 weeks? He gets bored
SO easily! There's only so much a prego mama can do to entertain her 4 year old all day.
Kinda funny how things work out. God always has a plan, doesn't he? Crazy that he will only be my baby for a short while longer.....and this short time we have had together, just the two of us has been so special. He has been my little buddy and we have had
SO much fun! He's at a really good age right now and is pretty fun to be around. He says the funniest things, I love it! So much that I was really sad to drop him off at school today! I had just got into a routine with him.....he's really into sports right now and loves to play raquetball, basketball and baseball at the gym so we've been taking turns with those things and will probably keep them up on tuesdays and thursdays when he doesn't have school. He's such a determined little boy! I love watching him try to shoot the basketball over and over into the tall hoop! It's too cute! And the way he winds up his arm and puts his leg up to "pitch" the ball to me (just like the BIG boys do)......precious. And says...."Mom, you can't wait til I'm a pitcher, huh?" Where does he come up with this stuff? He'd actually rather play some sport with me than play on the toys at the playground. It's so hilarious to Erik and I because we're not even really athletic and this kid is ALL about it, already. We've also had some fun days meeting up with Aunt Lynz and Xander. This one on one time has been awesome, and I'm so thankful for these memories with my Costi! Love you buddy!
Here he is on his first day...again;)

He also had his first day of soccer practice today. He must have asked me 20 times when it was going to be time to go to soccer.....so funny. He was so cute out there running and hustling in the 100 degree heat! GO Cost!!!!