Thanksgiving 2011
Springfield, Virginia
Halle (7) Costa (5) Crew (11 months)
Springfield, Virginia
Halle (7) Costa (5) Crew (11 months)
This year, with us being "East Coasters" and The Mersiowsky family living so close in Virginia, the rest of the Contreras Fam decided to join us out east for Thanksgiving. Papa, Grandma, Uncle Artie and all three of his boys, AJ, Niko and Gabey flew out and spent the holiday with us. It was fabulous! We had so much fun, all sixteen of us under one roof for 5 days...oops sorry seventeen of us! Cousin Veronica was also there;) The kids did great, everybody got along and we all really enjoyed each others company.
I went shopping on black friday, my first time ever! Nise, Mom, Artie, AJ and I braved the crowds and headed for the Base, where Nise gets great deals because they're military. I was excited I found a few things for Erik! Now my babe will have a few presents to open under our tree;) Most of the weekend was pretty relaxed, just catching up, drinking wine and lots and lots of eating! I just LOVE the holidays!
Saturday we did decide to get everybody out and do a little sight seeing. After we all piled into two vehicles, we were off. Double checking, then triple checking to make sure we had all the kids! I totally envisioned "Home Alone"...seriously. I can't even imagine! There's so many of them now. We headed down to the Georgetown area, got a coffee at Dean & Deluca, and then walked around and checked out some of the monuments. We even braved going out to dinner. Yep. All seventeen of us, with a baby in tow! We found a Fish Market that had a huge table for us and we barely even had to wait. Great day with all of our family!
It was so hard to say good-bye, we had such a great time. We had some pretty sad kiddos:( We can't wait to see everybody again soon!