Friday, November 2, 2012

Much needed VACA!!!

 A couple weeks ago we took a much needed vaca to Rocky Point for the Annual Contreras Family Reunion.  It was SO nice to get away and relax for a few days;) We sure do miss those days!  With Erik starting residency and the kids school and activities, life is pretty busy.  We rented a house close to the beach with the Johnson Family and a friend of Erik's from his program and his wife. It worked out that we were super close to Kacie and Artie and their clan.   What a beautiful place!  We had a great time at the beach everyday, relaxing, eating and drinking.  I soaked up every minute of being with Erik and our kiddos.  Life is spinning by, and these times are few and far between lately.  
















Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time flies

Crazy.....the kids started school almost a month ago already.  First and third grades.  They're growing up so quickly....I'm trying to soak up every minute of their childhoods.   I haven't even blogged
about their first day!  Well, I haven't even blogged a lot of things.  I need to get  better
about it.  I keep telling myself this and before I know it another 2 months have passed by already! 

Erik's working tonight so I told myself...For sure, tonight I would try and update a little on what's been going on in our crazy, but amazing world lately.  Erik working....yes he's been working A LOT. It's taking some getting used to on all our parts, but I think everybody's adjusting pretty well.  The first 2 months were pretty INTENSE, but we got through it and it's getting better.  We were blessed to find a perfect house and qualified to buy it!  We are SO excited to be homeowners again.  We've been here almost 2 months now and have spent all our extra time cleaning, organizing, decorating and loving our new home.  Crew has been challenging lately....he's such a monkey.  Pushes me to my limits, and maybe beyond.  Let's just say I've never had to work on patience so hard in my life.  I know toddlers are hard, but this just plain different.   I mean, this kid gets out of crib and has for about the past month.  We put those door handle things on and he's already figured out how to get them off!  We had to put a deadbolt lock outside his door.   He's a little Houdini!   This week has been pretty great.  Erik has had weird hours so we've had a lot of time to hang out during the day.  He finally pushed me and and I joined Lifetime gym.  He knows me.  Working out and having that little time to myself is my sanity, literally.  This summer almost drove me to the looney bin...ha!  Living with our parents, with a toddler, a crazy one at that....stress of qualifying to buy a house.  Stressful times.  But, here we are  and life is good!!!!

I recently updated my Real Estate License and have decided to put that as well as my Insurance License to work for me.  It would be nice to have a little extra income while Erik is getting through residency. I'm in the process of getting that all figured out, but I'm pretty excited about it!  I haven't worked in so long, it will be good for me, I think.....;) 

Costa started playing flag football and already had his first game last weekend.  He's having a blast!  It's so fun to watch him!  We're looking forward to a fun season. His team is the Saints and he decided he wanted "Spike" on the back of his jersey...don't know where that came from but we think it's pretty cool;)   Halle's taking ballet and just auditioned for the Nutcracker and made it with 2 parts!  She's going to be an angel and a peppermint stick.  She's pretty excited about it....I love that she's so into the ballet!  So fun!  Both Halle and Costa started piano and both are doing exceptionally well.   Crew is crazy, but I love him to pieces and I'm learning to pick my battles with him.  The other day he ran outside in his diaper, and it was raining.  I told him to get back inside and of course, he didn't want to.  So I said..."what the heck?"...."Go for it buddy!"....and off he went....running and having a ball in the rain and mud.  I just ran and grabbed my camera and captured the moment.  It was awesome.  He's definitely teaching me a few things, that's for sure;)









 Here is a picture of the night before their first day of school.  It was kinda hectic because the cousins were still visiting so we didn't do our apple cider toast like we have done before.  Last minute, we drove through DQ and grabbed some blizzards.  Cheers to a new school year!  Big third and first graders! 

Here we go, another first day!  Love you Halle and Costa!
Christ The King
Mesa, AZ
Halle 3rd grade
Costa 1st grade

They did awesome! Neither one of them shed one tear.  Old pros now!
So big.  I was a proud mama.  They are awesome with new adventures!
Cheers to third and first grade and a great year!