Halle told me she wanted to do ballet this year, and she wanted to be in the Nutcracker .....I knew this was going to be hard to pull off living in New York! Everything is outrageously expensive! But, I knew I had to explore all my options before telling her it wasn't going to happen. I was so bummed out after looking into it , just like I'd figured, it was going to be WAY too much for us. Sometimes I get so sad because our kids our getting older and I want them to be involved in things and our situation limits this! I decided to try one thing before I gave up and googled Nutcracker in New Rochelle. I was amazed at what I found! Why didn't I do this before?!? There was a tiny little article in this magazine called The Loop. It said that the Ajkun Ballet Company out of Manhattan was going to be returning in the Fall to invite children to participate in the Nutcracker for December 2011! Could this be TRUE? I couldn't believe what I was reading.....and the BEST part...FREE! Well, they said they would like each dancer to give $35 to help with the dancers fares to get to and from Manhattan on the train. Um, I think we can handle that;) Seriously? What a gift from God......he totally takes care of us! Just when I get sad or think ...What are we doing? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? He shows me in some way or another that we are exactly where we are supposed to be and it's all going to work out! I was pretty much jumping up and down! Yeah! My baby would get to do what her heart desired;) So she goes to practice every saturday, and she's going to be in 3 shows for the Nutcracker. Her group is going to be in the Second Act, the little Bon Bon dancers. Two of the performances in New Rochelle and one in Manhattan! SO exciting! Even more exciting is Uncle Alex and Aunt Les will get to see her perform here in New Rochelle. Exciting stuff!

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