Friday, March 23, 2012

Our next adventure is...

The anticipation has been CRAZY but MATCH day finally came and we are headed back to
ARIZONA! Yeah! We're going home!
It all started last monday, when we found out he had matched...phew!!!! All he got was an email with the subject line saying..."Congratulations, you've matched."
Then the waiting began.....we were on pins and needles! It was nuts.....seriously? Why do they make you wait 4 more days?!?? We really thought we were going to Austin or Wisconsin and for some reason we didn't think we could be so lucky to get Arizona, afterall it was our second choice in the ranking. SO, finally, friday at 12PM he got the email. Our families were going crazy, texting us, wanting to hear the news as soon as possible. Lucky for them they got to find out at 9AM since they're three hours behind us... It was a really exciting morning:) Erik made us some yummy ceviche for lunch, and we sat down together and opened the email.
We were so in shock, but so excited! We know this is where we are meant to be, and have wanted to get back to! We popped open two cervezas, cheered and called and told everybody the good news!
We said from the beginning that we will pray that we match, and will be thankful and happy anywhere we end up! So, considering it could have been New Jersey, Arizona, Florida, Texas, or Wisconsin we are pretty darn lucky that God wants us back in AZ! It's not the end of our awesome adventure, just the beginning of a new one. We can't wait!

The Mersiowsky's headed over for the weekend to celebrate with us and it was Nise's birthday also, so we were celebrating her special day as well! Adam and Marguerite had planned a night out at a restaurant called Sammy's in the city for Match Day. It was fun to see everybody and be able to celebrate this awesome day! We drank lots of kettle one, got silly and danced the night away!

The next few days were pretty chill, just hanging out with the kiddos. (We were kinda paying for the night before;) We took them to the park and played for a long time. It was such a beautiful day! St. Patricks Day!

Halle decorated the door for the cousins to come!

I'm so proud of us, babe! We did it! We are an amazing team, and as long as we have each other we can conquer anything......I love you with all my heart and am so proud of you...
Cheers to our next chapter!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Beautiful day!

What a gorgeous New York day it was today! 67 degrees! Absolutely beautiful.
Erik had a conference tonight in the city so the kids and I enjoyed an afternoon at the park and some yummy froyo! Hopefully spring is here to stay!

Crew and I actually went to the park earlier while the kids were in school with our friends Kasey and Julia. Crew loves to be outside and his favorite thing is the swing!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Halle's First Penance

Today was a very special day for Halle! She received the Sacrament of First Penance. On the way there, I asked her if she was nervous...."No, not all, We've practiced a lot and I'm ready, mom" she said. Brave girl. I have been wanting to go to confession for some time now, it's been YEARS for me and it's something I know is very important to becoming closer to the Lord. I have had such a fear of it. Why? I don't understand my silliness sometimes. In fact, I really wanted to go before Christmas and had mentally prepared that I was going to go. I called my sis, Les and talked to her about it and she had me all pumped up that I could do it! She goes all the time, and told me it's normal to feel nervous if you haven't been in ahwile. Well, I chickened out and didn't end up going so I promised myself that I was going to go for sure with Halle when she did.....I couldn't promise my baby girl something and then not follow through. Luckily, I had my mom to help guide me through it....I had at least 17 years of sins to confess! Yikes!

So, I guess you could say it was a special day for the both of us! I asked Halle how she felt after and she said the cutest thing...."I feel like people are hugging me mom!" "Lots and lots of people are hugging me!" I said..."Me too! Must be all the angels, Hallers...celebrating for us in Heaven and sending hugs our way!" I'm so proud of you Halle! God bless you sweet girl!

Afterwards, we had Lily's birthday party at the ice rink. What a beautiful, exciting day!