Saturday, March 3, 2012

Halle's First Penance

Today was a very special day for Halle! She received the Sacrament of First Penance. On the way there, I asked her if she was nervous...."No, not all, We've practiced a lot and I'm ready, mom" she said. Brave girl. I have been wanting to go to confession for some time now, it's been YEARS for me and it's something I know is very important to becoming closer to the Lord. I have had such a fear of it. Why? I don't understand my silliness sometimes. In fact, I really wanted to go before Christmas and had mentally prepared that I was going to go. I called my sis, Les and talked to her about it and she had me all pumped up that I could do it! She goes all the time, and told me it's normal to feel nervous if you haven't been in ahwile. Well, I chickened out and didn't end up going so I promised myself that I was going to go for sure with Halle when she did.....I couldn't promise my baby girl something and then not follow through. Luckily, I had my mom to help guide me through it....I had at least 17 years of sins to confess! Yikes!

So, I guess you could say it was a special day for the both of us! I asked Halle how she felt after and she said the cutest thing...."I feel like people are hugging me mom!" "Lots and lots of people are hugging me!" I said..."Me too! Must be all the angels, Hallers...celebrating for us in Heaven and sending hugs our way!" I'm so proud of you Halle! God bless you sweet girl!

Afterwards, we had Lily's birthday party at the ice rink. What a beautiful, exciting day!

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