The kids had a whole week off of school over Presidents Day so we headed to Virginia to spend a few days and celebrate Kait's 8th birthday! It's so nice having them so close and being able to spend special occasions with them! This year has been extra special because of that;) The kids get SO excited to go and we always have tons of fun with everybody. This time, we got to watch Kait play in a basketball game and the adults even enjoyed a kid free night on the town! Oh, and how could I forget?!? Derek drove from North Carolina to spend the weekend with us as well! SO fun to hang out with D and catch up! It was a quick trip this time, just thursday to monday but we enjoyed every bit of it!
When we got home, the kids had the rest of the week off. Thank God the weather was nice, we spent a lot of time at the park. We babysat Breton and Halle invited Lily over one day for a playdate. They had fun painting, playing outside and we even attempted to make some homemade pretzels. As the kids get older, I do enjoy the extra time I get to spend with them;)
We had a beautiful sunday, they're last day before they went back to school. We found this really cool park called Flint Park, tucked back in a neighborhood. The kids love it! It's a really big park with lots of stuff to do and it has this awesome trail, a pond and lots of beautiful scenery. We truly have been spoiled with an amazing New York winter! It's just been gorgeous!
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