Sweet baby Crew is 3 months today! Where is the time going? Aaahhh my baby is no longer a
wrinkly little newborn. I'm trying to hold onto it as long as possible, though. He is really starting to look like his big sis! I actually think he's a mix of Halle and Costa, but a lot of people are saying he's all Hallers. He now has those chunky kissable cheeks and legs too!
LOVE it....the baby rolls are the best. The lips are still perfect and plump! He's pretty squeezable! It was crazy, I looked back at him in his car seat today and he was reaching for his little toy and playing with it! It's just insane how they just start doing "things." He's so strong! He looks like he's going to roll over any day now! He's still cooing and smiling ALL the time....such a happy boy. Rarely cries...just when he's hungry! And, not a big fan of tummy time either...we keep trying though. He's ticklish under his right arm...he lets out this adorable chuckle when I'm changing his clothes. It's SO cute! He's starting to lose his beautiful golden tan but still has all his dark hair he was born with. He definitely got his daddy's eyelashes with the big brown eyes...the "lady killers" as Aunt Les calls them! And he still has the cute little dimple on his right cheek. He's SO long...like a string bean. Don't know where we got these long kids from. BIG hands. Everybody still comments on them. And the toes, they're not going anywhere...just gonna get longer;) he weighs thirteen and a half pounds! Big boy! Still nursing about every three hrs for 10-12 minutes on each side. He rarely has bottles but has about four and half ounces when he does. It's just crazy to me that my milk is chunking him up! Nursing is going great this time, so much easier, he seems content! Night time sleep has gotten a little better, last night I actually fed him at 7:30 and put him to bed and then let him go and didn't wake him at the 10 feeding like I have been. He woke up 11:45, ate and then went until 6:30! YEAH! That was a good night for us! Hopefully this continues...sleep is great....I've missed it! Daytime naps are pretty good, he does good in his bed and in his carseat! He's still usually only awake for about an hour and 15 minutes and then drifts back to sleep. He still sometimes wakes up at the 45 minute/1 hour mark and cries and then goes back.... He's still an amazing car baby! Thank GOD because we are definitely on the go everyday....Crew and Mommy's taxi. Let me tell ya, now with Tball for Cost and softball for Halle, it's all the time! Thank God daddy's coming home tomorrow and can help me a little bit. He lights up when he sees me, Halle or Costa....he definitely knows when we're around. We've missed daddy these last 2 months but I'm sure by the end of this month it will be all about him. He's coming home just in time for the fun stuff to begin. We're all pretty in love with this little guy and Thank God for sending him our way.
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