Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I did it...almost

Well, I almost survived being a single mom with a newborn...Erik will be home in 2 days, that's where the almost comes in;) We can't WAIT! To be honest, the month as flown by! At least we didn't have to go 4 weeks without seeing each other...the kids and I drove over to LA for the weekend right in the middle of the 4 week rotation. At times I have felt like I could pull my hair out, run away or break down in tears...but I've been a tough cookie. I can proudly say I've only had one break down with full on tears, from me anyways....the kids is a different story;) They've actually been pretty good, all things considered. New baby, daddy gone pretty much the last 2 months with his rotations. Impatient, sleep deprived mom(sorry Hallers and Cost). We kinda had crazy timing with having a new baby and these rotations all over the place. Why didn't we have this baby last year when we were twiddling our thumbs with SO much time on our hands....God is a funny guy. I feel like I have barely even seen Erik since we had him! All of January he was at Maricopa Medical Center doing his GYN surgery rotation and that was a CRAZY schedule....we were basically passing each other while I was feeding in the night he was leaving for work! Don't think we were really thinking totally straight on timing and what we would be doing now when we decided what the heck with having another one...but then again there never is perfect timing, right? You do what you gotta do and somehow you survive! And we all are becoming pretty attatched to our "Crew Man"....(daddy's nickname) already can't imagine life without him. It's crazy, I still shake my head everytime I look in the backseat and see all three of their car seats lined up! We have 3 kids! Nuts! We are truly blessed...I love watching all of our dreams come true;)

p.s...I could have NEVER done it without my amazing mom and mother and father in law......they fed us dinners constantly and Gloria was an angel with picking up Halle for me at school! I love you guys and am SO blessed to have you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you posting again!I think that means you are getting more situated!!You are definitely one tough cookie and doing a damn good job! Keep up the good work. It will all pay off in the end!!!! Don't forget I have the perfect little guy to play with Costa if you ever feel the need to drop him off!!!!
