It's baby is one! December 30th 2011 he turned one year crazy. Where does the time go? I'm such an emotional roller coaster and super sad with this one walking already and drinking out of sippie cups. He's growing up too fast already! Can't I just freeze time for just a little while? I just want him to stay my squishy baby with the chubby cheeks as long as possible. I have truly treasured each moment of this last year with him. Even the ones where he's touching everything and getting into stuff he's not supposed to;) Driving me crazy. There's been LOTS of "no no's" around here! He especially likes the Wii and TV remotes and takes off quick if he can grab one. Such an explorer, this one. I know they all are at this age, but compared to my other two he's just a little bit more adventurous. Those cheeks...I just can't get enough. And the wet, open mouth kisses are the best. I just love him so much I'm always squeezing him. Watching this little guy do new things and slowly blend perfectly with our family. It's so much fun. His most recent big thing was he said "Uh-Oh" a few days we are obsessed with hearing him say it and "aaaahhh, so cute" every time he does. Love it. Crew is truly a blessing God gave to our family and we are so thankful. It's so fun to see Halle and Costa's reaction to him doing new things! They truly love him and are a great big sister and brother. Halle's always saying things to me like..."Mom, I just can't believe how cute Crew is." In her cute, exaggerated high pitched voice. Adorable. We are all pretty in love and excited to see what the next year brings and all the fun things he will do.
Crew's One Year Stats:
24.5 Lbs 75th percentile
31 Inches 90th percentile
BIG guy!
He's walking
He's waving "Bye Bye" and "Hi"
He's saying "MaMa, DaDa, Uh-Oh and Ow"
He eats with his left and right hand
He started sippie cups a few days ago about twice a day and still has 2 bottles a day, he loves whole milk!
He LOVES to eat! Everything! We haven't found anything he doesn't like yet.
He has 5 teeth and a sixth one coming in...kind of a cranky teether, lots of tylenol and highlands teething gel!
Still napping twice a day.....and finally sleeping all night without interruptions until about 6:30! Yeah!
He claps when we say "Yeah!"
Loves to bounce his knees up and down when music comes on, little dancer
Still loves his binki and blanket
Pretty sure the puke days are over! YEAH! That was getting so old!
He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! He will watch the whole when we need a little break we call Mickey in for a back up;)
A TOTAL mama's boy and I love every second of it;)
For Crew's birthday we were still in Virginia so it was fun to be able to celebrate with some family! We also had some new friends there to celebrate with us....Kennedy, Mackenzie, Caden and their mom Shannon. I made chocolate and vanilla cupcakes and Auntie Nisa made her delicious turkey meatball spaghetti. KK, Halle, Ally, Reece and Co all decorated posters special for Crew. They did such a good job and were so proud of their work! We all sang to him and he devoured a chocolate cupcake! He loved it! Happy 1st Birthday Baby we love you so much!
Halle, Ally and Kaitlyn's banner for Crew
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