This year with all the crazy expenses of living in New York, it was just not happening for us to travel back to arizona for Christmas. Not to mention, the kids only had a week and two days for their break! Luckily for us, the Mersiowsky's decided they would stay home for Christmas this year as well. It would have been pretty sad for us if we would have been here in this apartment without any of our family around to celebrate this special time. After all, being with family for the holidays it's what it's all about. We were all pretty excited to spend Christmas in Virginia! It worked out great with Erik's schedule that we got to extend our stay and ring in 2012 with them as well!
It's always so much fun hanging out with everybody! We have fun just doing nothing;) The kids have so much room to run around and play, we barely even see Halle and Co when we're there! While we were there they had a neighborhood happy hour. We had a bbq and then hung out by a fire sipping on cocktails!
Nise, Me and Shannon
The kids were begging us to get back and home so they could open one gift! They get so excited! Well, you know how it turns into two.....
One day we split up and Erik and I took Halle, Co, Kk and Crew out for some appetizers and drinks at Chart House.
We didn't know if we were going to be able to ring in the New Year with them, but lucky for us we got to stay! We went from house to house for a "Progressive" party. We started across the street for H'orderves, then went to the next house for salads and the main course, then finished at Nise and Jeff's for dessert. It was super fun! We've never done anything like this and had a great time. Their neighbor, Adam was in town visiting his parents and made the night fun with some silly games! Life savers, hula hoops, Oh boy! Craziness. The kids stayed at Nise and Jeff's with a babysitter, but we made sure they had fun ringing in an early new year! They toasted with some sparkling cider, and had fun spraying each other with silly string.
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