What a great weekend! We kicked it off friday night with pizza at Johnny's Pizzeria with Liz, Lily, her sister Madelyn and their boys. Liz wanted to take us there before we move and let me tell you.....I'm so glad she did! We are totally going to miss new york pizza...there really is nothing like it! Of course, the girls begged to have a sleepover, and I'm such a sucker and said yes to Lily coming over. They only have a little more time together!
Saturday we decided to have one more tag sale to try and get rid of the rest of our stuff. We did ok. Erik took Co to his game at 9 and I managed to keep the fort down and I actually sold the kids bed in the hour he was gone! Yeah for me! $100 less than what we wanted for it. OOPS! But, ya know what? We're getting down to the wire and haven't even had a bite with it on Craigslist! And BIG thanks to my Halle girl for taking care of Crew for me. I'm glad we did it even though we were SO dreading it and not in the mood. The kids had fun doing a lemonade stand. Halle was so upset that I didn't have stuff for it last weekend so I promised her I would be ready for this weekend;) People were really cute and gave them $1 and $2 dollars for a glass. They were excited! It was fun.
Later that day, Curt and Brianna had invited us out to New Jersey for a BBQ. Even though we were dog tired, we knew this would probably be one of our last opportunities to hang out with them and we didn't want to miss out! The kids love them and so do we! Always a good time with the Chambers;)
And, Mothers Day! What an amazing day with my Loves! Crew actually slept in til 7, which is a real treat these days, so thanks for my Mothers Day present buddy! Halle and Co were so cute with their cards and gifts they made me! I LOVE this special day:) I feel so blessed to have such amazing kids! We got ready and went to church at our usual time, and then they treated me to breakfast at a diner. Something different than our usual Sunday at bagel zone;) That's another thing we are going to really miss! I NEVER in a million years thought I would love bagels the way I do now. New York bagels. Amazing. After breakfast we came home to give Crew a nap and relax for awhile. Co actually ended up taking a nap too. He was a tired dude.
Halle's gift and cards
Later in the afternoon we had planned to head to City Island with Curt and Brianna. We've heard awesome things about this place and have been wanting to try it out before we go. Lots of seafood restaurants! It was a super cool place! I loved it! We ate dinner at a place called The Blackwhale. Cute little place. The weather was amazing so we sat outside in their little garden patio. We really enjoyed it! The food wasn't as great as we were expecting, but decently priced and not horrible. Good company and drinks! After dinner we took a little walk to check out the water and of course, get some ice cream!
I'm a pretty spoiled Mama! Thank you God for my amazing little family you have given me! I'm so thankful today, and everyday:)
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