OH MY GOSH ~21 STRAIGHT LONG hours in the car, but we made it, and just in time to surprise our families for THANKSGIVING!!!! Erik came home from school last Wednesday with the OK from the doctor he was working for that we could GO!!! Good thing I'm johnny on the spot and pretty much had everything ready to put into the suitcases. He came home and said "I made an executive decision and we're leaving TONIGHT!" Ahhhhh.....NERVES, (I know this was the moment we had been waiting for I was just feeling a little nervous about the drive).............. we got everything together and we were on the road by 5PM Wednesday night. We were OFF!!!!!!
5:30PM~first stop at wal-mart for some snacks for the car ride
8PM~stopped in a little town called Tepic for some dinner~chicken from Pollo Feliz....:)
8:30PM~stopped at OXXO to get some coffees and popcorn for the kids......(We are SO bad! sssshhhhhh!)~we took both kids car seats out and made the kids a bed in the back of the car! We let them watch a movie for a little bit and then turned it off around 10PM and told them "night, night"........
And we went like the WIND~ and did NOT stop except for gas and the pay tolls( 20 OF THEM TO BE EXACT!)..........Erik knew that we needed to get as much driving out of the way while they were asleep! He was SO awake it was AMAZING! I tried to sleep, because I knew I would need to relieve him but I drank a coffee at 8 and I was SO antsy and anxious I COULD NOT SLEEP! I was so frustrated with myself for drinking that coffee! I was worried Erik would get sleepy so I felt like I needed to be awake for him........he was so funny every time I looked over at him he was "jamming" to his music with his headphones on~ so DETERMINED and on a mission to get his family home, I love him! I didn't know HOW IN THE WORLD he was SO awake, but I was praising the Lord for it because my eyes were too sleepy to drive!
I finally crawled to the backseat around 3AM to really try and get some shut eye because I KNEW I was going to have to drive at some point! I dozed for a little bit but couldn't for the life of me FALL asleep! VERY Frustrating~of course, when I NEED To sleep I can't....and I am the girl that can usually fall asleep WHEREVER and WHENEVER, go figure.
Around 6AM I could tell Erik was getting tired and knew that even though I didn't "sleep" I was better off than him at that point......he need to rest his eyes for a little bit~so we pulled over and got me another coffee and we were off again~with me driving!!!!!! I don't know what my deal was but my eyes were SO sleepy! I drove for about an hour and half and then I just couldn't do it anymore~I know, I know a BIG wimp!
Here's the dialogue for 11 pm -4:30 am
Lexie: "you ok"
Erik: "fine babe go to sleep"
Lexie: "you ok"
Erik: "fine babe GO TO SLEEP"
Lexie: "What are you listening to?"
Lexie: "are you ok?"
Erik: "Uhhhhgggggg, GO TO SLEEP"
Lexie: "so you think we'll make it if you drive all night?"
Erik: "I don't know, GO TO SLEEP"
1:15am-3:30am ( Lexie changes position 15 times in the front seat and moves from the front seat to the rear seat, then back every time repeating the same question)
Lexie: "How you doin babe?"
Erik: (nodding head to the music) "Fine babe"
4:30am Lexie takes over driving
Erik: "How you doin babe?"
Lexie" I'm tired I think I need to switch"
5:45am- 1:00pm Erik finishes the drive
and the kiddos were ANGELS~slept until 7AM, and didn't start complaining until about the 20th HOUR.......they were DONE at that point..........I don't blame them~
So we made it for Thanksgiving! We were so excited to see everybody but we were serious ZOMBIES! The drive was long, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be~and SO worth it to be home....in the USA:)

Pictures of us just after crossing the border into the USA:)