Wednesday, December 23, 2009

WINTER wonderland

......Pinetop was SO snowy~winter wonderland!!!!!!!!!!! 2 weekends ago we headed up to visit my dad since he now lives up there full time. We love to get up there at least one time while we're home from mexico and now we have perfect reason since he's up there. It was SO cold..........brrrrrrrrr, LOVE it this time of year~especially when there's snow on the ground! So romantic and SNUGGLY! Just makes you want to curl up in front of a fire. Being from washington state I really miss the snow during the holiday season.....but that's the ONLY time! It's just so pretty during Christmas time and it gets you in the holiday spirit! It was SO great to see my dad.....I sure do miss him! Especially since he doesn't live in the valley anymore, we can't just head over to his house for dinner to visit with him when we're home from mexico. This time was extra special too because we got to meet his new girlfriend, Terry. What a sweetheart! And she absolutely ADORES my daddy! SO cute~ He seems very happy, and that makes me happy! They have a beautiful new cabiny and cozy but big enough for all of us to stay with them! Terry was so cute and baked cookies with the kids on saturday morning and blueberry muffins on sunday morning! They were in HEAVEN! We also enjoyed a really nice steak dinner saturday night at their house with Terry's parents and Grandma and Papa Contreras as well.
Saturday my dad had to work so Erik and I took the kiddos sledding in the Spilsbury's neighborhood, they have a perfect sledding hill.....the snow was perfect and we had such a great time with our little fam! Halle and I even built a snowman....or should I say "woman".....hehe~we put pine needle hair on her and a pink beanie!.......and Costi named her Kelly! TOO funny.....he's such a character! By the end Halle and Costa were so brave they were going down the hill on their bellies OVER jumps and Erik even had them strapping on my snowboard....trying it out. They actually did pretty good and we're excited to hopefully take them down the BIG hill next time we go up!

Such a BEAUTIFUL weekend.....awesome to see my dad and meet his new girlfriend(wish I got to see more of them but excited for new year's because he won't have to work!!!!!.....can't wait dad!!!!!) and SO much fun playing in the snow with the kiddos!


  1. Fun! Love the pic of Halle with the snow woman. She looks adorable!!!!

  2. Wow that looks like so much fun! i've never had a white Christmas but boy does it sound wonderful!!

    Forget SnowMEN... I LOVE that snow chick!!
