Tamale day, that is. So we made it home for Thanksgiving, which was pretty darn special....BUT we also made it home in time for the annual TAMALE day! Our family calls this their "ethnic" holiday because they take school and work off for this day, but SSShhhhh we dont' want anybody getting trouble for calling in sick! I have been making tamales with them since before Erik and I were married and I LOVE it, I've missed the last few years because we usually aren't home in time....and I'm always BUMMED out to miss it! It's lots of work but MORE fun than anything.....and I LOVE the tradition part of it~and the reminiscing of old times and stories! I remember back in the day making them thinking to myself....."I hope Erik and I have a daughter someday so she can share in this cultural tradition and miss school for her "ethnic" holiday!"~(so thankful God BLESSED us with our little Hallers)...... So this was our little Halle's first tamale making day and boy was she a HARD worker. We were so proud of our little mexican:) Her cousin Veronica showed her the ropes and taught her how to wrap the tamales, which used to be her job when she was little. The girl didn't even want to take a break! This year we had my mother in law~ Gloria, Auntie Sue, Auntie Mabel, cousin Veronica and her friend Latoya, Halle, myself and my cousin even Libby showed up for a little bit........we made a grand total of 60 DOZEN:) I feel SO special to participate in this day and to share it this time with Halle~and hopefully we're back in time for next year!!!!!

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