How lucky are we? We had more visitors last weekend! I have a feeling it's going to be like that here in New York and I LOVE it;) Nise drove over with the kiddos! Jeff was going to arizona for his 20 year reunion so they came to check out our new place;) We said bye to Grandma and Uncle Luke and before we knew it, more visitors! The kids were so excited to see their cousins....
It's nice because Erik's old babysitter, Sharon from arizona lives in Manhatten.....she's so awesome and helpful for us in this big place! I had been in touch with her and told her Nise was heading over for the weekend, so she had some good ideas of what we should do in the city with ALL these kids;) Her and her son, James whose 4 joined us for the day. Nise and the kids got here right at lunch time so we went to eat at a place called Patsy's....yummy pizza and salad, perfect! We surprised the kids after lunch and headed across the street to the famous "Dylans Candy Bar"...I think I was just as excited as they were to go to the candy store;) I'm such a sweet tooth!
It was pretty crazy, lots of kids everywhere! We gave each of the kids a bag and let them get a few things and then got out of there quickly, it was madness!.....needless to say we walked out spending $29 bucks on candy!!! It's just one of those...."You gotta do while you're in New York"....kinda thing;)
The next day we relaxed.....we got out of the house and took our first trip to the mall to have lunch with the possibility of maybe taking the kids to see the new Smurf Movie. It was just too hot to be outside again. The mall was nice! I was SUPER excited because Steve Madden was having a sale and I got 2 pairs of shoes for $20 bucks!!!! YES, 20 bucks! Even my husband was excited for me;) He was so cute.....he was like "Babe, I'm so excited for really needed shoes".... Successful trip to the Afterwards, Nise and I decided we should do something fun for the kids since the mall isn't really fun for them and we passed up the movie idea. So, next best thing...frozen yogurt and the park.
Erik and I even got a date night while they were here! Thanks Nise for watching the kiddos so we could go to the movies! Stupid Crazy was so good.
Nise said her kids really wanted to see the Statue of Liberty and had asked her if we were going to do it. I thought it would be fun and said Let's go! We looked online and saw a water taxi we could do that wasn't too expensive. So we packed a lunch and headed back to the city;) We got there just in time for the 1PM departure. SO excited to see the Statue up close! We didn't get off the water taxi and go inside, it was just an hour tour and you stayed on the taxi. It was so cool, I'm so glad we did it! We didn't even have very much traffic there or the way home. Thank God! What a FUN summer we're having being New York tourists;) Better yet, with visitors!
Pier 17 where we got on the water taxi
It's a museum now
Honestly, I was a little worried about how it would be with that many kids in our small 2 bedroom apartment......but it worked out! I'm so happy they came to visit us and can't wait for them to come back again!
Making ice cream sundaes:)
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