Time is going WAY too fast! I am really loving having this baby around,....he's at a good age and he's such a happy guy and I can't get enough! I just wanna squeeeeezzze him all the time! For some reason, it seems so much easier having a baby around this time....even with all the craziness we've had in our lives! God truly blessed us with a good one;) I can't believe he's 7 months already.....about 2 weeks ago he started getting up on all fours....rocking, trying to crawl! It's so funny to see him get up on all four, rock a couple times, then fall flat;) He's still army crawling and can roll to wherever he wants to go, but I'm sure in the next few weeks he'll be full on crawling. The other 2 didn't crawl until about 9 months....this guy is on the move;)
*He's over his baby toys, he wants anything that's NOT a toy....we have to watch him or he's trying to chew on wires or pull books off the shelf .....Mr. Curious! Time to baby proof our tiny apartment!!!!
*Mr. Rolly Polly Olly.....such a chunker! I LOVE it! He doesn't go back to the doctor until 9 months, but I think he's at least 20 lbs for sure. Big boy!
*Such a great baby....naps on the go(and he's been on the go ALOT this last month with all our tourist adventures!), never cries...unless he's hungry, this guy doesn't miss meals;)
***Oh, besides one little tiny SUPER annoying thing....he's still a stinker in the night time...ugh. I'm not a happy camper when I have to get up several times in the night! So this has been hard. We actually let him cry last night.....we've been taking turns going into the room everytime he cries or starts to talk giving him the binki because Halle and Costa are in the room with him. My BIG stress of the three of them sharing a room! Nobody getting any sleep. Halle and Costa sucked their thumbs, so we never had to to do this.....Crew LOVES his binki! But we decided it's getting kinda ridiculous. He's 7 months, we shouldn't have to go in there several times in the night. It's exhausting! So, hopefully it will only take a few nights! Sorry Halle and Co!
*He's eating pretty much all the fruits and veggies now. He doesn't like the cereal by itself, so I add fruit to it. The only thing I don't think he likes too much is pears. He definitley LOVES his food and recently started moving his mouth and tongue to show me he's hungry or if somebody is eating something in front of him! It's hilarious...I can't wait until we can give him everything...he doesn't waste a bite and eats everything each time! He eats cereal for breakfast with 1/2 jar fruit added. Then for dinner he has the same thing plus 1/2 jar veggies.
*He has 4 bottles a day.....about 7-8 oz each time!
*He's been waking about 5 AM everyday for his first bottle, thank God he holds it himself, because I give it to him in his bed and he goes back to sleep until at least 7!
*Still takes 3 naps a day and is only up for about an hour and a half each time.
*LOVES to hear his voice.....constantly babbling and screams to get our attention! Says "Ba Ba" and "Da Da" perfectly...no mama yet:(
*Started to notice when I'm not in the room, or if I walk by and don't acknowledge him! A little separation anxiety already...yikes! Wants me to pick him up...super spoiled by his big sis and bro, they won't let him fuss...the second he starts to they're rushing to his side to try and make him laugh or give him a toy;)
*Still no teeth
*He truly looks the most like Erik! It's funny because I thought the other 2, especially Co looked just like daddy, but now I'm thinking they're more me! Crew is Erik's "mini-me" Baby pictures are identical!
*Little snuggler! Started giving open mouth kisses about a week ago! I love holding him close and snuggling with him with his last bottle right before bed....so sweet.
*Giggles at Halle and Costa all the time and has the BIGGEST smile whenever he sees his daddy:)
*Oh, and last but not least...our little "pukey-pukster" is getting much better! He still has days where he pukes all over us, but it is getting better(Thank God)
We are loving watching this little guy's personality evolve and blend with our family! He's such a cutie pie! We love you Crusoe (Ca-RU-so),SO-SO....his new nickname from his daddy;) Other nicknames he has so far.....Crewy, Crewy-Pie,Crew-BOO, boo boo's, booz(probably not the best nickname for your baby....but he's just my little booz booz;)....lol (daddy's not a fan so I'm sure it won't stick but I like it for now!)

*He's over his baby toys, he wants anything that's NOT a toy....we have to watch him or he's trying to chew on wires or pull books off the shelf .....Mr. Curious! Time to baby proof our tiny apartment!!!!
*Mr. Rolly Polly Olly.....such a chunker! I LOVE it! He doesn't go back to the doctor until 9 months, but I think he's at least 20 lbs for sure. Big boy!
*Such a great baby....naps on the go(and he's been on the go ALOT this last month with all our tourist adventures!), never cries...unless he's hungry, this guy doesn't miss meals;)
***Oh, besides one little tiny SUPER annoying thing....he's still a stinker in the night time...ugh. I'm not a happy camper when I have to get up several times in the night! So this has been hard. We actually let him cry last night.....we've been taking turns going into the room everytime he cries or starts to talk giving him the binki because Halle and Costa are in the room with him. My BIG stress of the three of them sharing a room! Nobody getting any sleep. Halle and Costa sucked their thumbs, so we never had to to do this.....Crew LOVES his binki! But we decided it's getting kinda ridiculous. He's 7 months, we shouldn't have to go in there several times in the night. It's exhausting! So, hopefully it will only take a few nights! Sorry Halle and Co!
*He's eating pretty much all the fruits and veggies now. He doesn't like the cereal by itself, so I add fruit to it. The only thing I don't think he likes too much is pears. He definitley LOVES his food and recently started moving his mouth and tongue to show me he's hungry or if somebody is eating something in front of him! It's hilarious...I can't wait until we can give him everything...he doesn't waste a bite and eats everything each time! He eats cereal for breakfast with 1/2 jar fruit added. Then for dinner he has the same thing plus 1/2 jar veggies.
*He has 4 bottles a day.....about 7-8 oz each time!
*He's been waking about 5 AM everyday for his first bottle, thank God he holds it himself, because I give it to him in his bed and he goes back to sleep until at least 7!
*Still takes 3 naps a day and is only up for about an hour and a half each time.
*LOVES to hear his voice.....constantly babbling and screams to get our attention! Says "Ba Ba" and "Da Da" perfectly...no mama yet:(
*Started to notice when I'm not in the room, or if I walk by and don't acknowledge him! A little separation anxiety already...yikes! Wants me to pick him up...super spoiled by his big sis and bro, they won't let him fuss...the second he starts to they're rushing to his side to try and make him laugh or give him a toy;)
*Still no teeth
*He truly looks the most like Erik! It's funny because I thought the other 2, especially Co looked just like daddy, but now I'm thinking they're more me! Crew is Erik's "mini-me" Baby pictures are identical!
*Little snuggler! Started giving open mouth kisses about a week ago! I love holding him close and snuggling with him with his last bottle right before bed....so sweet.
*Giggles at Halle and Costa all the time and has the BIGGEST smile whenever he sees his daddy:)
*Oh, and last but not least...our little "pukey-pukster" is getting much better! He still has days where he pukes all over us, but it is getting better(Thank God)
We are loving watching this little guy's personality evolve and blend with our family! He's such a cutie pie! We love you Crusoe (Ca-RU-so),SO-SO....his new nickname from his daddy;) Other nicknames he has so far.....Crewy, Crewy-Pie,Crew-BOO, boo boo's, booz(probably not the best nickname for your baby....but he's just my little booz booz;)....lol (daddy's not a fan so I'm sure it won't stick but I like it for now!)

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