Summer's finally coming to an end. It's kind of bittersweet. I am so ready for the kids to go back to school, but I know once the school year starts time flies and I see them changing and growing up too fast!
We had planned on heading to Virginia to visit Uncle Jeff, Auntie Nise and the cousins one last time before school started. We were really bummed because we were going to go the weekend the Hurricane came through and had planned to stay for 5 days....well that plan got thrown out the window. We were all so crapped out. We didn't know if it would work out for us to go Labor Day weekend, but last minute it looked like we could make it happen! Erik and I decided to be fun and surprised Nise and the kids (we told Jeff so they wouldn't go anywhere;) We waited to tell our kids up until about an hour before we left so they would keep the secret too!
It was a pretty low key weekend, just hanging out at their house. Oh, and school shopping for my kids! Thanks Nise for coming with me! We did manage to sneak in a little mani/pedi, a trip to Starbucks and a little lunch at Chipotle. It was nice to have some sis time without all of our crazy kiddos! On friday, Nise and I took the kids to this really cool splash pad while Jeff and Erik golfed. The kids were in Heaven, and the weather was perfect for one last day in the water. Even Crew had fun....I let him crawl around and explore the water spouts.
Uncle Erik/ daddy had the kids rubbing down some ribs the night before we made them.....they thought this was pretty cool! Starting them young! Good job kiddos! The ribs were amazing. Oh, and how could I forget?????? Derek came to visit us!!!!!!!! YEAH! We were so excited to hang out with D, it's been so long! Erik was pretty happy too because they had their fantasy football draft saturday so they got to be together. Oh boys and their football!
Super fun weekend, with great company!
When we got home we had a few more days before school started...I had promised the kids I would take them to the Smurf Movie, so we did that. It was super cute and really cool that it was filmed in New York City! It was fun to see familiar stuff that we've seen recently since we got here. Halle also had wanted to do a fort and watch a of her favorite things to do. It's a little tight in the apartment, but we made it work. So we did the fort and watched Rango. Have to keep my promises! Now, we can OFFICIALLY start the new school year;) We are ready.
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