Well, it finally stopped raining in time for us to celebrate Halle's 6 birthday last thursday february 4th...YEAH!...this year she picked "Campanita theme", tinkerbell... It literally rained for almost 3 days STRAIGHT last week. It never rains here in guadalajara this time of year,
ever. We were so worried last wednesday because the place we rented to have the party was outside.....and wednesday was the 3rd day of rain.....it just didn't seem like it was going to stop and be dry in time to have a party outside the very next day. Everything was wet and cold. Erik called the place to ask them if it was raining thursday and we were unable to have the party, if we could get our money back. Of course, they said no. We were
so frustrated. Would it be
that hard just to say..."rain's not your fault and it's not our fault...here's your money back, have a nice day"....um,
right....they don't know how to do that here. We were thinking we could just move the party to peter piper pizza, inside where it would be dry and warm....Halle was up for this.
But, she was definitely NOT up for moving the date of the party......she had been looking forward to the party being on thursday, it was set in her mind. We told her...."Haller's, we don't even know if anybody from your class is going to be able to come, some are sick and if it's raining we can't have a party in the rain.....we might have to move the day." And we weren't going to be able to move the party to peter piper unless we got our money back we already had paid. She was sad, and I was sad.... and I hated to see my baby girl upset over her birthday party! So
, we
PRAYED really hard...and I know everybody else did, too~thanks guys!!!!!!!! And we woke up thursday morning with Mr. golden sun trying his best to peak through the clouds....and it was not raining.
Thank you Lord~now, if we can just get the temperature a little bit warmer.....just a
little. I know, I know I'm
pushing it..... I should just be happy with
NO rain at this point....and NOT having to see the disappointment on my
almost 6 year olds face.
opening her tink outfit

Erik came home from school around noon and we decided the party was still on. So we scrambled to let everybody know. We got a few "yes's" from Halle's class and she was SO happy! I had invited some of my friends from the wives club and their kids and spouses.....most of the kids being little boys!!!!!!!! I prayed at least a few girls from her class would show up so she wouldn't have
all little boys Costa's age at her tinkerbell party.....and 2 did! Muntse(Halle's favorite friend, so we were EXTRA happy;) and her friend Sophie came too......
Muntse, Halle & Sophie

Halle & Ayi

We originally had planned on having hamburgers and hotdogs for food, but with the inconvenience of the rain, we went to plan B...... and did Little Ceasar's pizza and some appetizers~veggies with dip(thanks Kimberlie), strawberries with marshmallow cream/cream cheese, and seven layer bean dip (thanks Stacie) and chips......we hadn't had Little Ceasar's pizza yet here in mexico yet, and it was SO good! Just like home........it worked out because Halle wanted to have pizza anyways. The kids played on the brincolins(bouncers) and ran around having fun. She had a beautiful tinkerbell "cupcake" cake and a tinkerbell pinanta, of course....it's a fiesta
must here in mexico. It turned out to be a fabulous party:)

Here is a list of guests that came to the party: Mom, Dad, Costa, friend Muntse from school and her mom, friend Sophie from school and her mom, The Solarte family~Steve, Kimberlie and Nathan, The Guzman family~Tito, Yari and Gabriel, The Stilson family~Brandon, Stacie, Boston and Easton, Melinda and Breton Wade, Leslie and Pablo, Amy and Luca Borboa, Angela and Ayi.

Above(wives club friends): Amy, Kimberlie, Lex, Yari, Stacie, Leslie, Angela and Melinda
Muntse and her mom, Lex, Halle, Ayi and Sophie and her mom and sister
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