Sorry it's kinda long....I was starting to have blog "withdrawals"
I can actually say it's been a little busy around the Contreras Casa;)I know I've been neglecting our blog....BUT for good reasons, well kinda. I started spanish classes!...... I decided I can't look at people from here and tell them I've lived here almost 3 years and say "no intiende"(don't understand) to something they say to me...that's just not going to work for me. It's been a long time coming, I know....but now is the best time for me. I actually have a little bit of a base and know some , so now it's putting it all together. And most of all I have the time now because the kiddos are in school. I'm really going to have to put in the time and study it, it's not easy learning another language! Ughhhh, studying....not my thing, I leave that to my hubby;).....but I really want to know spanish when I leave mexico, such a gift to take back with like my dad always says...."you get out what you put in!" As true with all things in life:) Thanks dad...xoxo
So seems these days when the kids are at school I'm at spanish class or at the gym....spanish classes mondays and fridays for 2 hrs and then the gym tuesday and thursdays....OH, and can't forget about my wednesdays with the wives, and can't forget about the daily mom and wife duties.....all of a sudden I'm a busy girl, I know......;) I was actually kind of a little crapped out because I started taking this pilates class this semester monday and friday mornings and was really starting to like it, well then my friend told me about these spanish classes......that just happen to be at the exact same time, exact same days and they don't offer pilates at my gym any other time:( I know I'm kind of a dork(as my husband would say) when I get into my workout zone....... SO I have to have little pep talk with myself...."Lex, COME on you NEED to learn this language before you leave mexico!" So, here I am almost 3 weeks later, a little closer to speaking that's what's up with this busy bee.....
Let's see....the rest of my little fam:)
Halle is a hilarious new 6 year old.......this girl thinks EVERYTHING is funny!!!!! Like the laugh from the belly, make your face hurt kinda's contagious. We don't know where this came from, but it's pretty cute......except the part where she thinks butts are the funniest thing ever......we don't think that's very cute at all! Her and Costa can really get going on this one.....Erik has a friend who's kids went through the same thing until one day he was so fed up with it, he told them he was going to make them look at their own butts in the mirror.....what the heck!?!?!? Sounds weird to me......but I guess it took care of the problem......?!?! Kids and their funny phases. She is all of a sudden, a super big girl now that she's 6....every morning she makes her bed, first thing......that's something she got from her dad.....he's kind of a bed making nazi;) She can get her and Costa cereal, she can even pour the milk, without spilling. She can pretty much read ANYTHING, spanish or english....and she has the cutest spanish accent. Auntie Nisa gave us a packet of site words that Kaitlyn's doing in her kindergarden class so we can stay on track with school in the states. We've discovered she has a memory like Erik when it comes to seeing something for the first time and KNOWING it, she has learned almost the whole packet already (a little over a month....little smarty pants, that's from her daddy too)......her teachers at school always tell me she's "muy inteligente!" Oh, and today she learned how to tie her shoes!!! My baby girl is growing up, learning how to do so many new things! It was a pretty big deal, and much easier teaching her than I thought it was going to be. She told me this morning that she didn't want to wear her tennis shoes to school because she didn't know how to tie them....I thought....mmmmm, she's 6 now I should probably teach her this one. So, today while Costa was napping we started and I showed her 2 or 3 times how to do it and then told her she needed to practice herself because that's how she was going to get it......a couple times later....."voila" a bow!!! I was so proud of her!!!! Now, she can tie her shoes and Costa's! It's so nice when the oldest learns how to do things and can help out.....LOVE it. Halle is an amazing first born child, such a sweet girl, and pretty much always willing to help her little brother, most of the time;)
her and her littlest pet shops, she LOVES these things!

Our little Costi is kinda going through a whiney stage......I'm trying to decide if he could be ready to give up his nap, but honestly I think he TOTALLY still needs it! Halle had pretty much outgrown it by this age. He totally turns into this crying over everything kid when he doesn't get his sleep and sends me through the roof, I don't have patience for whiney kids!!!!!.......probably be keeping the nap around for awhile.....on the other hand (when he's got his sleep), I can't get enough of this little guy, he's my baby and I'm holding on as long as I can.......I just want to squeeze him and kiss his cheeks all the time......and his little voice......mmmmmm, I can't get enough;) I still carry him upstairs for his nap.....he is mama's boy and I LOVE it! He is the cutest thing ever and loves to sing! It's hilarious to hear him sing spanish songs he's learning! Erik and I crack up listening to him!!! He has an obsession for basketball all of a sudden...
we recently bought him a little "real" basketball that's just his size, and fits in his hoop in the backyard perfectly. He's constantly wanting to play with it......."mom, watch me basketballing"(he calls it)...."dad, watch this".......dribbling, dribbling, dribbling.....shooting shooting......all over the place. He's actually kinda good for a 3 year old, but then again I am his mom and wouldn't think otherwise;)

Erik is just about finished with his surgery rotation this week. He got to see some pretty crazy stuff and of his patients died over this past weekend. She was in her early 50's but had all kinds of stuff wrong....she was diabetic, he said she had some sort of hepatitis as well......she got necrotizing fasciitis(bacterial infection)...I'm learning along with him;)... Erik had to do the wound care for her......he said it was so gross and it just never seemed to get this was his first taste of seeing a patient die. SO SAD....... We also got a taste of what residency life will be like this time around......some days he had to work 14 HOURS.......such long days......the kids and I really missed him, especially at dinner time! He's kinda frustrated with poor babe~I can't even imagine trying learn medicine and at the same time another language! Ahhhhhhhhhh.....head spinning if you ask me. He honestly NEVER complains, but the other day I saw him pretty annoyed........I felt so bad. Hopefully his next rotation is better.....hang in there babe, I love you!!! On a fun note~he just started on a soccer team with some of his school mates. He did all the work to get the jerseys for the team and he did a great job! This man is the best time management person I know.......simply amazing;)

busy busy lady you are!! but it's fun, isn't it? good luck on the espanol. i'm sure it seems like an added load for you, but i'm sure you'll be so happy you did it and took full advantage of where you're living. it'll all pay off in the end. i think it's amazing that you're kids are bilingual. what a huge advantage they'll have in life.
ReplyDeleteThanks for updating! I was starting to go through Lex withdrawl;)