Our baby girl turned 6 today on the 6th of February! She's been excited about this birthday for awhile and told everybody is was going to be her GOLDEN birthday...it's kinda funny because I seriously thought my mom made up the golden birthday thing.....because everybody I told about Halle's golden birthday kept saying....."Golden birthday? What's that?" I'm thinking....am I the only person who knows about golden birthdays? I actually called my mom and said.... MOM! You must have made this up!!!!! Nobody else seems to know about golden birthdays! But...it's actually NOT made up....I googled it to find out and found a few definitions for it......sorry mom, you don't get all the credit for the golden birthday ....xoxo.
The morning started out with presents from mom, dad and Costi....some gap sparkly flip flops and a charm bracelet from gap with 4 special charms~a hello kitty charm(one of her most favorite things), a happy birthday charm(to remember her golden birthday, of course, an ice cream cone charm(because Halle's the QUEEN of ice cream, and last but not least a best friends charm from Auntie Nisa and cousin KK..... After opening presents we made some breakfast: mickey mouse pancakes with whip cream smiley faces and bacon, request of the birthday girl, of course. Pancakes are her favorite breakfast and she especially loves them when mom does mickey mouse ones with a whip cream smiley face:) We wanted to do something fun and different to celebrate Halle's birthday so we decided to go ice skating. There's an ice skating rink close to our house that we drive by all the time and say...."we should go try that some time"......and why not for Halle's birthday? PERFECT! We called my friend Angela and her little girl Ayi, whom is one of Halle's closest friends here in Guadalajara. They said they wanted to join us~they'd never ice skated before! Erik hadn't either and wasn't going to skate....but he ended up renting skates and we all had such a great time:) Everybody did great! ....Angela and Ayi are from Puerto Rico and have never seen snow before, so Ayi was pretty cute and just wanted to sit down and play instead of skating:)

After skating, we asked Halle what she wanted for her special birthday dinner and she wanted steak and potatoes. So we went to the store and got all the stuff for dinner. Our friend Leslie came over to have dinner and celebrate with us. Halle just loves Les! Erik made the steaks and he also made some yummy garlic sautee'd potatoes and a big salad~ Halle and Costa helped me make a raspberry whip cream pie for dessert. It was a beautiful dinner celebrating Halle!!!! I think she was a pretty happy girl when she went to bed......it was a great golden birthday!
We put her to work on her 6th birthday, we figured she was old enough to learn how to mop!....Just kidding! This girl WANTED to mop the floor...silly! We'll keep her!
My sweet Hallers.....where has the time gone? Daddy and I can't believe you are 6 years old today! It seems like yesterday we were SO excited for you to make your grand entrance into the world! It only took 16 1/2 hours of labor but finally at 2:36PM on Friday, February 6 2004, you came! We didn't know if you were a boy or girl and I truly thought it was a dream come true when you came out and were a girl! We felt SO blessed! I was so excited to have a baby.....But, I honestly secretly wished for a girl first (and I think daddy did too:) and God gave us this beautiful baby girl...YOU...what a gift! You have brought us so much joy these past 6 years and we can't even imagine what's to come watching you grow. You are such a sweet, loving little girl and we are so very proud of the person you are becoming! You are a such a great big sis to your little brother and love him tremendously!!! You kinda spoil him and let him get his way alot of the time! You're kind and always sympathetic for other peoples feelings....such an awesome quality. You are our snuggly little thing....one of my most favorite things is to snuggle you on the couch while watching a movie. We love you SO much Halle...Happy 6th Birthday!!!!
Some FUN facts about Halle at 6 years old:(I got this idea from my friend Pam's blog~she's so creative! Thanks Pam!)
*her favorite food is: steak and pepperoni pizza
*her favorite place to eat out is: peter piper pizza
*her favorite color is: pink
*her favorite animal: giraffe
*her favorite drink: sprite and rootbeer
*her favorite book to have mom read: muppet babies
*her favorite princess: Aurora(Sleeping Beauty)
*her favorite candy: M&M's
*her favorite dessert: ICE CREAM, of course!
*her favorite friend at school: Muntse...and Costi for ALL the other time:)
*her favorite movie: Barbie Rapunzel
*her favorite toy: pony's and barbies
*her favorite thing to do at home: play games with mom and dress up in princess dresses and tiara's
*her favorite thing about herself: my hair, now that it's getting longer again:)
*her favorite thing to play at school for free time: play on the toys
*looking forward to being 6: Maybe loosing some teeth so the tooth fairy can come and taking the training wheels off my bike!
Halle is: 46 inches tall
and her weight is: 47 lbs.
Oh my sweet Hallers. Happy birthday love!!I can't believe she is growing up. Her birthday sounded great. I love the charm bracelet!
ReplyDeleteP.S I totally know about golden birthdays, what's wrong with everyone else??J/K