Lately I've been really trying to spend more one on one time with Halle while Costa's napping. I usually just want to relax on the couch and snuggle with her in the afternoons after school, but sometimes I feel like that's being lazy and my "guilty"~ not being a good mom feeling kicks in;) ...and it's always easy to get distracted by the computer! And trust me, Halle is getting to the age where she tells me "mom, you LOVE the computer"....uh oh.....She is usually in the mood to play something, and of course wants me to be her playmate. I know that Costa is going to eventually outgrow these naps so this special time that I have with her will come to an end.......So, with that being said I'm trying my best. I always have to remind myself that they're only little for a short time and she won't always want to play these games with me:) I need to embrace these times! She's so cute and usually changes from her school clothes into one of her princess dresses. Such a girly girl. Lately, we've been playing with her dollhouse that Aunt Lynz got her.....it's adorable. She bought her this wooden doll house 2 christmases ago with the whole calico critter set to go inside it, the only piece she doesn't have is the kitchen set.......the pieces are tiny. I mean these dolls have everything....itty bitty everything.....Halle loves to set it all up and play for hours with it. She also likes to play with her ponies and barbies, of course and always has a game plan thought out and tells me exactly what she wants the ponies to say......Auntie Nisa got them a wooden block set for Christmas so we've been playing with that lately as well. The other day we played the animal memory game and she kicked my butt pretty much every time.......little smarty pants;) I've really been enjoying our afternoons together....Love you Hallers!
The calico critter family
Every princess loves to paint her nails and toes!

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