The last friday of every month the kids have the day off of school. So, the last friday in february my friend Yari and I decided to take the kids to their all time favorite place here in mexico.....Trompo Magico! My kids LOVE it! It's a pretty cool kids museum here....even moms think it's cool! They are always asking to go, so I promised them the next friday they had off school we would go. I also told Hallers she could invite a friend to go with us since Cost has his buddy Gabriel, Yari's little boy, whom is also in his class at school. Halle decided she wanted to invite Sophie, and was SO excited after I called Sophie's mom and she said yes she could come. It was the hot topic all week long in our house....going to Trompo and Gabriel and Sophie coming with us.......Friday couldn't come soon enough!!!
On our way to Trompo we stopped at Burger King to feed the kids lunch......another favorite of Halle and Costa's~chicken nuggets and french fries:)It's lent, so I tried the fish sandwich.......I was a little scared, but it was actually pretty good! Halle and Sophie were so excited to be with each other, it was adorable. Gabriel and Costa are just crazy when they're together......cute, but crazy. TOTAL boys! Yari and I just laugh and let them be boys.....

After Burger King we headed to Trompo and played there for a few hours. The kids had a great time running around doing all the fun things they have there. Of course, when it was time to go we had some sad faces:( But, I quickly reminded Halle that the fun was going to continue because Sophie was coming back to our house to play for awhile. Both girls got giggly and were happy as clams again.......hilarious. I told Yari that she and Gabriel should come over as well and we could make some shrimp ceviche for "mariscos friday."....She thought that sounded yummy so she said they would come. So of course, Costi was a happy camper too with his buddy coming over to play as well;)

Well, the day playdate with Sophie turned into Halle's first sleepover with a friend. She's stayed the night with cousins and has had cousins stay the night with us, but this was her first real sleepover with a friend. It was pretty cute.....Sophie came up to me shortly after we were back from the museum and said...."Quiero pasar la noche." She wanted to stay the night at our house! I was kind of shocked! Of course, I thought it sounded fun for them, and I knew Halle would be super duper excited to have her stay, I just thought maybe they might be kinda young! But, I decided what the heck? Why not? And Erik thought it was ok..... Sooooooo we called her mom and asked if she could stay, and she said it was ok with her if it was ok with me! Alrighty then.......we had 2 VERY excited little girls:)

The girls had so much fun together.....playing dress up, putting make-up on each other, and watching movies in Halle's room. They stayed up way late, well for Halle anyways....10:30!!! She was SO tired and I think kinda thankful when I told her it was time for them to go to bed.....I guess Sophie doesn't go to be until around 11...like most mexican kids! I don't know what the deal is with mexican parents and keeping your kids up until you go to bed!?! Crazy. About 20 minutes after I put them to bed they both came down the stairs......uh oh, I thought. And, yep it was just what I thought. Sophie was missing her mom and wanted to go home.......I'm thinking what do I do? Call her mom already? Nope, not yet. She wasn't crying so I asked the girls if they wanted to come downstairs and fall asleep to a movie on the couch......they both shook their heads and I told them to go grab their pillows. I put the movie 3 musketeers on and within 5 minutes both were sound asleep. WHEW!!!!! By this time it was about 11PM...
Well, not so fast.........My friend Les was over that night and we were on the back patio drinking wine.......all of a sudden we hear crying, sobbing! OH NO!!! Poor baby.......she's SO sad.....I felt so bad. I had to call her mom...if this was Halle, I would want the other parents to call me so I could come get her! So I called her ....like 3 times and she didn't answer!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like 11:30 at night at this point.....I'm thinking, this is SO late she's probably asleep. What do I do? Is she going to cry off and on all night???? Pobrecita... In the mean time, Les and I decided we should take the girls upstairs to Halle's bed before Erik gets home from the neighbors house and wakes them up.....I told Sophie I called her mom and was waiting for her to call me back. She had stopped crying and seemed pretty tired now. I thought....good! Maybe she'll go to sleep for the night now! Well, about 30 minutes later Nancy(Sophie's mom) called back......she wanted to know if she should come get her.....I ran up and checked on them and they were both sound asleep. I told her I thought she was better and it should be ok( I hoped!).......
Shortly after, I headed up to bed and checked on them again......still sleeping like little angels:) Thank you God! We woke up the next morning with happy kids and made some mickey mouse pancakes and bacon.....the girls played all morning until Sophie's mom came to pick her up around noon. Halle was exhuasted by the time she left! She was ready to have a little break;) All in all, I'd have to say it was a pretty successful first sleepover........almost;)
A sleepover.... HOW CUTE!! i'm nervous for the day my kids ask me to go on their first one with a friend from school. i think i'll encourage it to happen at my house. ;)
ReplyDeletei had no idea mexico had so many things that the US offers.... Burger King?? I also never would've thought it had such a fun, little place like that for kids. your blog is so fun for me!! it teaches me lots of new things. :) hope the espanol class is going well!!!!
Totally reminds me of the time the Letourneau boys stayed the night at my house.Only they were great, but Sage was up all night;( I knew it was going to be a bad idea for Sage.He just wasn't ready and neither was I!!HAHA