The kids school had their annual miniolimpiada(olympics) today. We had a really nice surprise when we got to the park this morning~Daddy was there!!! We didn't think he was going to make it because he couldn't miss anymore school.....leave it to him to surprise us;) Another surprise was Halle was picked from her class to carry the torch for the opening ceremony, not a real one of course it was paper;) I actually got all teary eyed watching her be a part of this special event! This will be her last year at this school and it makes me sad! So, her being asked to represent her class like this was a big deal. She was so cute with her big smile so proud carrying the torch with everybody clapping for her! I can't believe it's almost been 3 years since she started there. It just seems crazy that it's about to come to an end. My baby's growing up!
So they have 4 grades and each class prepares a little routine. Halle's class did their to the song Hey Mickey...but in espanol;) It was adorable.......for the past 2 weeks Halle's been going around the house singing...."Oh Mickey donde estas? donde estas? me gustas mas-Hey mickey...hey hey...hey mickey. They had to wear lime green shirts and had yellow pom poms....she only has one boy in her class, you can guess who was Mickey?!
Costa's class wore red shirts and did theirs to You are my sunshine, the reggae/rap version. My little buddy......he was so cute. We hadn't heard anything about what his class was doing, such a boy....he even walked out to the opening ceremony with his hands in his pockets, Erik and I were cracking up......we knew the song his class was doing only because Halle told us:) But he did seem to know the routine, somewhat;) It's crazy how these teachers have so much patience with these kids to teach them these routines. They are wonderful.
After each class did their little routine, they had some relay races for the kids and parents. I participated in a water balloon one, it was fun and the kids got the biggest kick watching me!
* I tried to upload the videos of their routines, but I can't seem to figure it out, it just loads FOREVER so I need to have my husband help me figure it out!
Costa and his teacher Miss Lucky
Oh, and we had gymnastics today and they gave out listones again~and, ugg I forgot my camera...bummer!.......Halle got another one for discipline....yeah! GO Hallers! But my poor little guy didn't get one! He was heart broken, it was the saddest thing ever for his mama to watch. All the kids that got them stood up in front of the class for the parents to see and take pictures and then went to sit back down. Costa looked around like, um where's mine? Why are they forgetting me? And then I saw him start to rub his face and eyes and I knew the tears were there, he was trying to hold back but they were coming.......:( And down pour... we had some BIG crocodile sad. I was trying to console him and be happy for Halle at the same time! It was so hard! Duh, don't they know they can't give one to one sibling and not the other? NO bueno! Soooo we'll try for next month!
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