It was nice to be able to catch up and visit with my dad and Terry. The first night we got there we enjoyed a beautiful dinner, awesome company and the weather! It was perfect, of course. Always is this time of year. Although we'd only been in the valley a few days at this point it was great to be in the 80 degree weather for a few days! After dinner the first night we all decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take a walk. My dad had been telling me about this walk that Terry does....he kept saying "It will kick you butt!" And, boy was he right! Go Terry! And, thanks for keeping my dad in shape, it's so good for him! We were all breathing a little heavy, but it felt good. It was great that we took the walk because we worked up an appetite for some s'mores! As soon as we got back to the house Grandpa Tom got the fire ready on the porch for the kiddos to roast some marshmallows. Yummy! It was a perfect night.
The next day my dad and Terry had to work so Erik, the kids and I decided to take a drive to Greer. Crazy as it sounds, we'd never been there before! We'd heard so much about how pretty it is and wanted to check it out for ourselves. The drive was gorgeous and peaceful. So green and fresh! When we got to Greer we saw all kinds of little restaurants to eat lunch at. We'd heard The Greer Lodge was the best so we kept driving down the main road to find it. When we got there we were bummed to find out they were closed that day! Bummer! It was so cute, too. A nice patio overlooking a little pond where people were fishing. It was picture perfect! We hung out there a little bit and then headed out to find another place to eat at. We ended up at The Neon Moon. It was adorable too and right when we got there we went straight to the back patio and saw three deer! Looking right at us! It was so neat....the kids were in awe. Thankfully the food was pretty good too! We loved Greer and will definitely be back to check out the Greer Lodge;)
Friday had finally come and Erik couldn't get to the campsite soon enough! We woke up and immediately started getting everything ready. He had talked to Seth and planned on meeting them at their cabin by 10AM. And sure enough....we were there by 10 ready to rock and roll! We were so excited to see the Spilsbury family!
We got to the site and immediately searched out a spot to set up camp. This was tough. Seth and Bri had their camper and needed just the right spot to set it up so it wouldn't be tilted! Erik wanted a spot that just didn't seem big enough for all of us. After about an hour or so we finally agreed and got to work getting everything set up. It took forever! I think we got there around 11 and weren't completely set up until 3 or 4! Camping is work. The spot we picked ended up being absolutely perfect with the creek right next to us and shallow enough for the kiddos to play in. Only ankle deep. They had a ball! Bri brought a little horseshoe set so they had so much fun with that. Playing in the dirt, running around the woods using their imaginations coming up with all sorts of adventures! What could be better when you're a kid? Fishing.....even our girly Hallers had been looking forward to throwing her pole in! Too bad nobody caught anything. Costi was so disappointed! Oh well, maybe next time!
Later that day Uncle Artie showed up with his three boys and then Uncle Alex and Aunt Les came that night. The first night was NO fun because it was freezing and our poor little Halle got sick. Throwing up sick! It was awful! So sad....she thought she was getting sick because she was so cold. She was shivering while she was getting sick. It was a nightmare, I felt so bad for her. I got up and went outside and got her a bowl.... she ended up puking about 2 or 3 times that night. It was everywhere, on her only hoodie I brought her and in her hair. My sweet girl, she had been so excited about this trip it was just terrible she got sick. I just prayed she got better. The next morning she just laid on me and didn't want to do anything. SO sad. Finally around noon or so she went and laid in the tent and took a nap. I think it was the best thing for her because she woke up a little hungry and she even wanted to take a bath in the creek and wash her hair. Much better! Thank you Jesus! By the end of the afternoon she was running around playing with the kids. Now I just prayed extra hard nobody else got it!
That night the boys cooked up a fabulous meal! Steaks, baked potatoes, pasta salad and green beans . It was all delicious. It's great that all of our husbands love to cook! They had everything planned out. We sure are lucky girls. Seth even made his famous was blueberry this time! Fabulous. The kiddos also made some s'mores .....just wouldn't be camping without them! After we put the kids to bed we enjoyed talking around the campfire. Fun times. Thank the Lord the second night was 100 times better! Not as cold and nobody else got sick!
Sunday was fathers day......I felt so happy inside that my husband was in one of his favorite spots on this day. He is an amazing father, and our kids are so lucky to have him! We made awesome memories this weekend and I'm so happy we did it. The kids loved it I look forward to so many more camping trip adventures!
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