On July 11th our sweet boy Costi turned 4 years old! I can't believe my baby is 4....seems like just yesterday he was our
little guy, not so much anymore! He's sprouted up these last few months and is loosing all his cute rubber band rolls on his arms that he's kept all these years....so sad for me! Costa has become quite the character and has definitely stolen all our hearts.....we can't get enough of this kid and Erik and are constantly saying how much he cracks us up! Lately, he's been very into music and is always asking me about the lyrics and to turn it up!....yikes! Guess we're definitely going to have to be careful what we listen to! He's also got some rythym.....
.LOVE it! He's always dancing around wherever we are. The other day he was in the pool and his nino Artie heard him sing ...."Alejandro, Alejandro"......he said "who was listening to Lady Gaga?" It was hilarious........that's our Cost. Talk about a
flirt.....already. Hiding behind me when he sees a pretty girl. He's learned how to bat those big browns and boy they'll get ya every time! We're in trouble! He has also become a big time mama's boy.....it's funny because he is so gentle and loving when it comes to me but can really play tough with his daddy. He is always willing to give me kisses (and now my belly too!...adorable) and wants to rub my back and when I get mad at him he replies with his big pouty lips and big brown eyes...."yes mom"...
..that face!
SO darn sweet........I can't get enough. Wrestling with daddy has become one of his favorite things to do........and watching him with his dad is absolutely priceless. Completely mezmorized by everything his dad is and does. I hope he grows up to be just like him. Strong. Both physically and mentally. Watch out when this kid is tired! He can be very challenging for daddy and I. He thinks that since he's 4 now, he's a
big boy and doesn't need naps...I beg to differ. It's been hard since we've been in arizona this summer keeping him on a nap schedule and trust me, we have seen some hard days because of it...talk about
grump-o-patamus! He doesn't fight too much when we do put him down for one..... I know he still
truly loves his naps.....and he knows he will feel so much better if he gets one. He still is our awesome eater and will ask anybody for a bite of what they have. Definitely a
foodie like his daddy and I! We have also noticed Costa is our cautious child.....he will typically ask me if something is dangerous before he does it...thank God! I know he's thinking before he does something! Hopefully it helps in the future. Halle and him are still the best of friends and are always coming up with new adventures and games to play. I think his sister is still the only one that can truly bring the cutest contagious belly laugh out in him. He thinks she is the coolest thing ever but he also knows how to push her buttons but can also be
VERY protective of her! Don't mess with her little brother! My oh my! Costa has changed from our baby into a little boy this last year and we are so in love with the little person he is becoming...Can't wait to see what an awesome big brother he is going to be! We love you very much
Costi mosti...Happy 4th birthday baby!
For Costa's birthday this year he wanted batman theme, he's really into superheros right now! We decided to have a small pool party at Grandma Dottie's with family and a few friends. Grandma Gloria and I cooked up a storm the friday before the party...she was such an awesome help! We made cheeseboats and a few salads. We thought it would be better to have everything ready so nobody(my husband in particular) would have to be cooking over the bbq'er in the 115 degree heat. Yuck! I also decided to make him a red velvet cake and asked the talented Aunt Lynz to help me decorate it. She was so excited to help, and went above and beyond to help me. She ended up making the batman logo out of fondant! She's so good! It looked so cute! I'm all about the homemade cakes, now. They just taste
SO much better and are ridiculously cheaper.
Everybody ate cake! When does that happen? The kids had so much fun playing and swimming. We ended up surprising Cost with a batman pinata......he was so excited! He kept talking about wanting a pinata and we were so indecisive about getting one because #1. It was SO hot! #2. They are expensive here! But, the day of the party Erik and I ran to Food City and got him one. I'm so glad we did! He was so happy and the kids had lots of fun hitting it and scrambling to get the candy when it broke. Everything turned out great, and it was a fun birthday party!

People that came to celebrate Costa turning 4: Mommy, Daddy, big sis Halle, Grandma Gloria and Papa Contreras, Grandma Dottie, GG and Poppie Miller, cousins Justyce and Elianna, Aunt Les and Uncle Alex, Aunt Lynz, Uncle Mark, cousins Xander and Tatym, friends Emily, Jack, Madison and Morgan McDougal, friends Erin, Charlie, Paityn and Urbyn, cousins Celeste, Nate, Diego and Delaney Bueno.
Fun facts about Costa:
He's a big foot! Shoe size: 12
He's pretty much wearing a 5T in shirts, shorts and pants...getting so big!
Weight: 40 lbs
*He's recently showed a love for golf, he even asked for his own clubs for his birthday! He loves to go hit balls with daddy.
Favorite foods: Pizza, Steak, shrimp, fruit and he absolutely LOVES yogurt! He will eat 3 a day!
Favorite restaurant to eat at: Peter Piper Pizza
Favorite animal: Dinosaurs...he specifically said "Dino-rey"
Favorite "special" drink: Rootbeer
Favorite Superhero: Batman
Favorite candy: M & M's
Favorite dessert: He loves ALL sweets.....but he said cookies 'n cream ice cream
Favorite friend: Gabriel in mexico
Favorite movie: Spiderman
Favorite thing about being turning 4, so far: Doing flips into swimming pool! This scares the heck out of me! He's gone from not letting go of the side to full on doing flips into the deep end!
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