Soooooooo we think we saw "boy" parts! Well, I say "think" because it just doesn't seem real to know this early....but pretty sure it's there;) The cord was in the way so the ultrasound tech was really trying to move the baby and kept saying "it's kinda hard to tell"......but towards the end she said she was going to guess boy and put boy? where we think the penis is. To be honest......I TOTALLY thought this baby was a girl! The whole being sick from 5 weeks until 9 weeks straight, huge boobs, gaining in my butt already! I just feel like this pregnancy could be really similar to Halle's. I am still in shock! I was kinda sad for the kiddos because I really think they want a baby least that's what they've been saying. I know that sounds terrible but I would love either so I was kinda just hoping for what they wanted. Well, they have awhile to get excited about baby brother hopefully they are HAPPY when he arrives....I know they will be! Another mama's boy....lucky me! Oh, and they gave us some other exciting news! The baby is measuring a week further along....which makes me 15 weeks on friday and a new due date of NEW YEARS EVE! I will totally take it!
I feel so blessed to be carrying another beautiful baby, a gift from above! I truly feel he will make our family complete.......and I can't wait to kiss his perfect face.
Lexie, I'm so excited for you guys! I've gotta say, I think that tech was right. It isn't too early to tell. I found out at 14 and 15 weeks w/ both Cash and Paisley. Since you already have 1 of each, I think it's awesome that the last 2 are the same sex. Costa and baby bro will have so much fun together through out the years. I look @ my boys and they truly are the best of buds. They love doing crazy boy stuff together!! It gets a little chaotic that's for sure. Can't wait to see your blog posts about all that stuff in like 4 years! LOL
ReplyDeletewhat the heck!I didn't know you were posting since you are here!I haven't checked your blog till now. Now i'm more pissed cause I just told Seth the news and he said he has known that for like a week!What!!!Congrats! That will be so great that you and Les are both having boys!What fun!So sorry we had to miss Costi's party. We had fam. in and didn't get done till too late. I want to get together soon! Call me!!!