Monday, October 19, 2009

Gyma Kids

Well, it took a little convincing, but Halle and Costa are now little gymnasts, and what do you know? They LOVE it! I was so excited for them to try gymnastics, but they were a litte funny about the whole thing. The day that I took them to try it, Costa was all for it, but Halle all of a sudden started saying she didn't want to do it. When we got out of the car to go into the place and she said "mom, I'm really nervous"...I said "why honey? You don't have anything to be nervous or scared of, it's a fun thing!" She said, "well dad showed me a picture of kids doing gymnastics on his computer and they were doing flips and stuff, I don't know how to do that stuff".....I hugged her and kind of chuckled to myself and said "Oh Hallers, those girls have been doing gymnastics for lots and lots of years with a lot of practice, you don't have to know how to do that to start out.....the teachers will teach you how to do all that stuff" Even after our little talk, she wasn't trying that day, she wanted to sit right by me and watch. Costa did great, and really seemed to like I thought.
Wednesday comes along and we're getting ready for gymnastics, big first day! Got the video camera, the regular camera and daddy is even going to come watch!!! So off we go.....and what do you know? We pull up to the place and Costa says "I'm not doing it" ....I said "what?!?!?" And then Halle says "me either"...I was SO frustrated, I can't even tell you. I said...."well then, let's go"......and we left. Who wants to argue with a 3 and 5 year old about wanting to do gymnastics? I mean come on, I was so excited that this was something FUN for them!!!! To get out of the house in afternoon 2 days a week! And it was SO perfect because they had both their age groups at the same time, AND I could watch both of them at the same time......
Monday comes and my friend Yari asks me about gymnastics classes and says she wants to take her little boy, Gabriel to try it out. I told her my story about my kids and told her I thought our gymnastics days were over before they began, but told her I would tell them Gabriel was going to try it. So monday when I picked them up from school I told them Gabriel was going to gymnastics, and Costa says "and us too mom?" And I asked....."I don't know, are you?" ......And Halle said "yes, mom we want to do it to!"....I said "are you sure???????"........And they both said "YES!!" ..............So, afer all the craziness they are in gymnastics! And I am a happy mom to get out with them twice a week:)

1 comment:

  1. How fun!I can't believe how much Halle is starting to look like you. I should look into that my kids would love it.
