Thanksgiving weekend was the ASU vs UofA football game and the Contreras fam was tailgating in Tempe. OF COURSE we wanted to join them!!!!!! My hubby was SO very excited to go do this.....since he doesn't really watch much football in mexico he was VERY excited to come home to some good 'ol american football! It's a lot of fun to see family that we don't get to see very often! We decided it would be fun to take the lightrail down.....the kiddos loved it! That thing is pretty cool.....and convenient to avoid the traffic with a football game going on. After the game, Erik, the kids, Artie(Erik's bro...we really missed Leti and the boys that day~they were in Rocky Point visiting Let's brother) and I went to eat at Casey Moore's for some OYSTERS.....yummy! And they were fabulous........such a fun day!
Halle and Costa ready for a ride on the lightrail

ASU fans

Hallers and her Uncle Artie

The beautiful, delicious oysters from Casey Moore's

After we got back from Mill we headed to Scottsdale to meet someone VERY special that we hadn't met yet~BABY TATYM! Our new niece and cousin. Mark, Lynz and the kids went to Palm Springs for Thanksgiving so we didn't get to see them on Thanksgiving when we got to arizona. We were very excited to see them and meet this new precious baby girl.....and my was she special! Halle felt like a very big cousin holding her and loving on her! I'm so happy I got to see her so much while we were home~she changed alot while we were there, too! I can't imagine how big she'll be and the things she'll be doing when we see her again! We're gonna miss her, and Mark, Lynz and Xander too, of course!

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