It was a VERY big deal this year to get our letters written to Santa. Halle did a great job writing all by herself with a little help from me for spelling. Costa "mr independent" wanted to do it all by himself, but he did end up letting me help him a little. Here is what the kids came up with for what they wanted to say to Santa and their wish lists~
Halle's list:
Dear Santa, Hi how are you? I have been a very good girl this year. Here is my Christmas wish list:
barbie house
pony webkin
tinkerbell dress up costume
colored pencils
I love you Santa!
Thank you,
Halle Contreras
Costa's list:
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight? (yes, this is what he wanted to say!...too funny) I have been a good boy this year. Here is my Christmas wish list:
bike like sis
batman house
batman cape and mask
Thank you,
Costa Contreras
YAY you're back!! I've missed your posts. Glad to see you made it back home safe and sound. You're right... It's great to visit and see people but it's always so great being back home and back in your own beds, isn't it?!