This is what the kids looked like today when I picked them up from school~

Que Linda! They looked
SO cute!!! Being that monday was Dia de la Revolucion Mexicana, and there was no school monday, they sent home a note yesterday saying they wanted the kids to dress up today, friday......The note was in spanish, of course and there were a lot of words I didn't thanks to the "trusty" translator I typed in what the note said and had it translated to english:) It said the boys were supposed to wear jeans and "sombreros" and the girls were supposed to wear skirts and braids in their hair......I thought...hhhhhmmmmmm..... So, I called my friend Yari because her little boy goes to the kids school and she's puerto rican so spanish is her first language. She told me it was the mexican skirts and pants......which we don't own any of those~so my kids went to school in their "standard" uniforms and came home all decked out!!!!!!!! I loved it!

So, I had to wikipedia Mexican Revolution so I could remember what it was all about:
Mexican Revolution (
RevoluciĆ³n mexicana) was a major armed struggle that started in 1910 with an uprising led by
Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat
Porfirio Diaz. The Revolution was characterized by several
socialist, liberal, anarchist, populist, and
agrarianist movements.
Over time the Revolution changed from a revolt against the established order to a multi-sided civil war. After prolonged struggles, its representatives produced the Mexican Constitution of 1917. The Revolution is generally considered to have lasted until 1920, although the country continued to have sporadic, but comparatively minor, outbreaks of warfare well into the 1920s. The Cristero War was the most significant relapse of bloodshed. The Revolution triggered the creation of the National Revolutionary Party in 1929 (renamed the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, in 1946). Under a variety of leaders, the PRI held power until the general election of 2000.