this is a blog i did before we left mexico and didn't get a chance to post before we left for arizona......
This last weekend we kinda had "ants" in our pants.......getting excited about making the trip home to arizona for the holidays. Just wish we could "blink" and be packed, house cleaned, car ready, and on the road! But, we did keep ourselves busy......doing laundry, the kids and Erik washed the jeep and Erik and I went to dinner saturday night with some of our friends at our "favorita" restaurant here in Guadalajara....I Latina(e latina):) YUMMY! We kinda made it our "tradition" before we all leave for christmas break~well, ok this is only the 2nd year we've done it, but 2 years in a row can be called "tradition", right? was a lot of fun! Stay tuned for how our LONG car drive goes~not looking forward to 24 hours in the car! Pray it all goes well and we get there safe and sound!!!
So happy you made it. Safe and sound!We need to get together. I have no way of getting a hold of you ssssooooo call me. We will be gone this weekend.