Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My Halle girl.....last night when I was putting you to bed you started to cry and told me you had a bad day at school! I started asking you what happened and was trying to understand you through the tears~It broke my heart to hear you SO sad:( You said that while you were making an art project at school you accidentally put something on the wrong way and then all of a sudden both your arms, legs and tummy started to "shake!" I was trying to make sense of it, and was asking you things like..."were you hungry?" "did you guys already eat lunch before this happened?" "did you feel sick?" and then it CAME to me! You had your first case of BUTTERFLIES in your tummy! You were NERVOUS~and the feeling of it scared you! I explained to you that this is normal, and you will get these feelings sometimes when you are scared or just need to take a DEEP breath and say a prayer that it goes away quickly! I know we will have MANY more talks about bad days, but I just wanted to remember this conversation with you about your first BUTTERFLY experience.....I'm so happy you told me about it!!!!! XOXO


  1. How cute that she shared that w/ you. I'm sure you'll have MANY more mommy/daughter talks about that. Just think, in 10 more years it could be she's going on her first date. Whoa baby!!

  2. That is so sweet! Poor Hallers she was probably so confused. Awesome that she told you about it:)
