Last monday Halle and Costa didn't have school for "Dia de la Muerte", but Erik did....So, it was up to me to think of something to do....I had wanted to do something fun, like take them to Trompo Magico(really cool kids museum they have here) but they were closed for the holiday, bummer! So plan B? We decided to take a walk to the park and what else do kids LOVE to do? BAKE! Halle and I made a bunch of pumpkin sugar cookies last week and we had left over dough, so we decided we could make the rest of the cookies for the kids friends at school. Halle decided she wanted to make princess shaped cookies and use PINK sprinkles, of course my girly girl! Costi made round shapes with LOTS of green and yellow sprinkles, and ate more than half the frosting along the way:)
You guys are always doing fun stuff! It's so fun to see all the girly things Halle is into and all the boy stuff Costa is into.