All the kids looked SO cute in their pajamas~we had 2 buzzs, a batman, a superman and of course our little sleeping beauty.......oh, and my friend Stacie had her baby there too!~Easton, he's so sweet....he's 9 months and is the cutest thing EVER.....I LOVE this age and it makes me kinda want one.....hhhhhhmmmmm:)! The kids had fun playing with their buddies, eating their "fav" pizza and watching Ice Age 3.....of course, they actually only "watched" the movie through eating popcorn and ice cream(total of about 15 minutes!) but after that they wanted to play!!!!!!!!!!! Um, hello? FOUR 3 year old boys! Trying to keep them still to watch a movie? NOT happening! It was WRESTLE time! They had SO much fun together! It's SO good for Costa to get in some good boy play time.... he got hurt a few times and it broke my heart! My little boy, I NEED to let him get hurt and be "tough" and know that it's just part of being a boy:)
THANKS Yari for having us over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had fun:)

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