Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To go OR not to go?

That was the question for saturday night! To go OR not? All of our friends that Erik goes to school with that we hang out with don't have let's just say they still like to party:) And believe it or not, getting a babysitter here is SO easy and CHEAP! All of our friends had plans to dress up and go out halloween night, and they really wanted us to go...of course we debated all the way until 5PM saturday night when Erik called his cousin and she said she could babysit! So I guess that was our final answer....
Now, what to dress up as? Should I just do the hippie again? Our friend Marguerite had told me she had a white dress I could wear, and go as Marilyn Monroe. Perfect! And Erik could be James Dean~easy friend Leslie came over and helped me do my hair and make-up like Marilyn.....Thanks Les!!!
It was a really fun night and I'm glad we went and got to see everybody in their costumes~it was hilarious!!!

Popeye(Nader) and Kloty

TLC (Marguerite, Abby and Kloty)

The baywatch crew~Chris, Adam and Jamie

1 comment:

  1. You guys always have so much fun!That must be why Seth and I are so bored, because you aren't here!!!
